Disaster Services
As stated in the North Carolina Emergency Operations Plan, the Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service (VolunteerNC) supports NC Emergency Management (NCEM) with volunteer management activities during activation. Our disaster programs operate in three of the four phases of the disaster cycle.
Preparedness Phase
Preparedness activities are conducted year-round to enhance community resilience. In this role, we:
- Support the recruitment and training of Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT).
- Attend and promote hurricane preparedness expos across the state.
- Host disaster preparedness trainings for volunteers and community partners.
Response Phase
During the response phase, our office follows the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) activation as part of the State Emergency Response Team (SERT). Our roles include:
- Provide staffing during State Emergency Operations Center (EOC) activation as part of the State Emergency Response Team (SERT).
- Direct unaffiliated volunteers to local, community and faith based, and nonprofit entities as well as identify volunteer opportunities via email, social media and media messaging in coordination with the Joint Information Center.
- Implement public messaging regarding volunteer opportunities and needs.
- Activate AmeriCorps cadres to provide support in affected areas when deemed necessary by the Executive Director.
- Oversee the activation of the Disaster Relief Funds if activated by the Governor.
Recovery Phase
Once the response phase concludes, we immediately transition into supporting long-term recovery efforts. Our activities in this phase include:
- Assist with volunteer coordination to support recovery organizations.
- Support NeedsList registration, training, and troubleshooting for partners.
- Respond to ongoing community needs to help address long-term recovery challenges.
- Support community recovery efforts by hosting technical and expert webinar training as well as maintain a video training library online.
Who Are Our Partners?
We understand that disaster response and recovery require strong partnerships. VolunteerNC collaborates with nonprofits, faith-based organizations, government agencies, and private sector partners. We also work closely with North Carolina Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NCVOAD) and its member organizations to ensure a coordinated approach to disaster resilience
NeedsList is a resource-matching platform that allows relief organizations to post relevant needs and offers. The platform can automatically match resources and needs, allowing immediate coordination for the exchange of the goods and services. The NeedsList platform is the product of a collaboration between the North Carolina Organizations Active in Disaster (NCVOAD) and VolunteerNC, funded by the Duke Energy Foundation.
More Resources
NC Disaster Relief Fund
The Office of the Governor recognizes the generosity of individuals, groups, and organizations wanting to help disaster survivors. Financial donations are the most effective way to support recovery, as they address specific needs and boost the local economy.
Established in 1999, the NCDRF provides funding for unmet disaster-related needs not covered by FEMA or other programs. Grants are awarded to nonprofits, faith-based, and not-for-profit entities engaged in the response and long-term recovery phases. The United Way of North Carolina and the NC Community Foundation administers and distributes the funds, ensuring 100% of donations go directly to survivors.
The NCDRF is activated following a significant disaster such as hurricanes, tornadoes, or wildfires. When activated, donation information will be available on this page and other state agency websites.
Immediately following disasters, individuals seeking financial assistance should register with FEMA at 800-621-FEMA or www.disasterassistance.gov