Open State Government
Learn about open records laws and open meetings. Learn how to report concerns you may have. Get a handle on how your tax dollars are spent. Look at campaign finances or research lobbyists. This page is your source for open government.
Be an Involved Citizen
Laws, Rules and Regulations
If you want to be more active in your state government, start with the Citizen's Guide to Lawmaking. You'll learn how an idea becomes law, types of statutes, and about the legislative branch.
When you're ready to be heard, find out who represents you in the NC House, NC Senate and U.S. Congress. Then check the Legislative Calendar. When you're ready to listen in, check out audio streaming of legislative procedures in the House and in the Senate. You may also contact House members and Senate members by phone or email.
If you're looking up a certain law, you can search the General Statutes.
Regulations can be found in the NC Administrative Code. These rules and regulations govern state agencies, boards and commissions. Citizens can participate in or learn about the creation of rules and regulations by going to public meetings. See the public meeting calendar.
All State agencies are required to follow a uniform procedure for conducting public rulemaking hearings, for adopting proposed rules and for filing the adopted rules for codification. The public is notified of agency rulemaking hearings through a notice published in the North Carolina Register. This notice provides a means for interested parties to be present and debate the merits of a proposed rule before adoption by the agency.
Fight Fraud in State Government
Report allegations of fraud, waste and abuse to the Office of State Budget and Management. Your report is confidential and is not subject to the public records law.
Report ethics complaints against state employees, legislators, judges or other public servants.