Assessments for Environmental Conservation Businesses The Division of Environmental Assistance & Customer Service provides no-cost, onsite assessments to North Carolina businesses and public facilities. Assessments address energy efficiency, water-use reduction, as well as zero waste to landfill and pollution prevention programs. State Energy Program The North Carolina Energy Program is at the forefront of growing the State’s green energy economy. Working with both businesses and nonprofits to help them become more energy efficient, and educate about the benefits of tax credits that make going green work for their bottom line. Environmental Stewardship The Environmental Stewardship Initiative is designed to promote and encourage superior environmental performance in North Carolina. This voluntary program is available at no cost to members. It provides technical assistance and networking opportunities to stimulate the development and implementation of programs that use pollution prevention and innovative approaches to meet and go beyond regulatory requirements. Waste Reduction Partners Waste Reduction Partners (WRP) is a unique technical assistance program which engages the expertise of retired and volunteer engineers to serve businesses and industries in North Carolina. The WRP conducts onsite waste and energy reduction assessments and provides consulting services to improve efficiency and identify cost-saving strategies. Albemarle-Pamlico National Estuary Program Grants The Albemarle-Pamlico National Estuary Program routinely offers grants which may be of interest to agricultural communities, coastal nonprofits, educators, engineers, local governments, planners and other watershed partners. Mitigation Services The Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) is an initiative that restores and protects wetlands and waterways for future generations while offsetting unavoidable environmental damage from economic development. DMS offers four In-Lieu Fee mitigation programs designed to assist private and public developers in meeting state and federal compensatory mitigation requirements for streams, wetlands, riparian buffers, and nutrients. Energy Conservation The NC Division of Environment Assistance and Customer Service (DEACS) can provide energy assessments and resources for business, industry, and public facilities to address energy efficiency, air emissions, water efficiency, and waste generation. Related Information North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) The Albemarle-Pamlico National Estuary Partnership Waste Reduction Partners All NC State Government Services