Marriage & Divorce
Find info on marriage requirements, licenses, officiants, and more. Find info to end your marriage or domestic partnership, requirements, court process, and a divorce packet.
Vital Records
NC Vital Records is part of the NCDHHS and is located in Raleigh. It is responsible for: legally registering all births, deaths, fetal deaths, marriages, and divorces which occur in North Carolina; coding vital events for statistical purposes; maintaining vital records and providing certified or uncertified copies to individuals, researchers, and public health programs.
NC Vital Records: Research
Helpful Links
Authentications: provides document authentication services such as authenticating documents required for foreign child adoptions, etc. Charitable Solicitation: allows a citizen to search our registry for a charitable organization and see how much money was raised for the charity and what % actually went to the charity for charitable purposes after fund raising. Investment advisor Lookup: helps individuals to check State registrations of Financial Services Professionals before writing them a check.