Lists let users easily scan content and create a structured, linear order. Lists should be bulleted or numbered to improve inclusive design. When screen readers find a properly marked list, they tell the user that there is a list and how many items are in it.
It is very important to properly mark lists. Don't create a list by using only visual styling, such as a dash (-) , asterisk (*), or hard return to force text to the next line.
Items in a list can also be nested to show their relationships. Related items can go under one particular item in a list. For example:
- Dogs
- Golden Retrievers
- English Golden Retrievers
- American Golden Retrievers
- Canadian Golden Retrievers
- Boxers
- Golden Retrievers
- Cats
- Birds
Best Practices
- Format text as a bullet or numbered list using the list button in the text editor.
- Do not use dashes, symbols, or graphics to make content appear like lists.
- Create structure by nesting list items.
- If available, use the indent button to nest lists.
- Alternatively, highlight the item. Hit "Tab" (increase the indent) or "Shift + Tab" (decrease the indent) on your keyboard.