Employee Directory

How to Update Data in the Employee Directory

Displaying 4801 - 4825 of 9122

Name Phone Number Email
Lay, Kayla Lentz 336-249-6255 kllay@ncdot.gov
Layden, Kyle Anthony 252-473-3461 kalayden@ncdot.gov
Layton, Chris Randall 336-375-5831 crlayton@ncdot.gov
Layton, Jason Michael 336-256-2024 jmlayton@ncdot.gov
Layton, Taylor J Mushrush 336-629-2127 tjlayton@ncdot.gov
LeBlanc, Meghan Elizabeth 919-814-4977 meleblanc@ncdot.gov
LeGrand, Ted Freeman tflegrand@ncdot.gov
Lea, Francesca Chiara 919-707-6549 flea@ncdot.gov
Leach, Angela D 984-920-8531 adleach@ncdot.gov
Leak, Toia Smith 984-236-1040 tsleak@ncdot.gov
Leary, Shandon Rashaan 252-796-1085 srleary@ncdot.gov
Leasure, Bradley Allen 910-746-6449 bradley.leasure@ncports.com
Leatherman, Joshua Dale 704-480-5425 jdleatherman@ncdot.gov
Lebby, Nicholas Patrick 910-364-0602 nplebby@ncdot.gov
Leblanc, Laswan Ann 919-835-8017 laleblanc@ncdot.gov
Ledbetter, Joe Dean 336-903-9129 dledbetter@ncdot.gov
Ledbetter, Jordan Craig 336-634-5641 jcledbetter@ncdot.gov
Ledesma, Ibelise Maria imledesma@ncdot.gov
Ledford, Brandon Scott 828-349-1732 bledford@ncdot.gov
Ledford, Dustin Wade 980-552-4140 dwledford1@ncdot.gov
Ledford, Harold Woody 252-996-6000 hwledford@ncdot.gov
Ledford, Jack Richard 828-837-2742 jrledford@ncdot.gov
Ledford, Thomas Michael 828-694-7971 tmledford1@ncdot.gov
Lee, Anita M 704-982-9181 amlee1@ncdot.gov
Lee, Anthony Dale 910-259-5413 adlee@ncdot.gov

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