Employee Directory

How to Update Data in the Employee Directory

Displaying 4501 - 4525 of 9122

Name Phone Number Email
Kearns, Neil Scott 336-882-0552 nskearns@ncdot.gov
Keaton, Jeremy Lane 336-747-7800 jlkeaton@ncdot.gov
Kedigh, Charles Roby Wayne 252-515-5217 charles.kedigh@ncports.com
Keefer, Patrick Stephen 828-468-6260 pskeefer2@ncdot.gov
Keel, Jennifer Louise 252-243-4072 jlkeel@ncdot.gov
Keel, Samuel Gregory 919-715-7892 gkeel@ncdot.gov
Keene, Patrick William 336-574-5477 pwkeene@ncdot.gov
Keene, Roy G 704-844-6961 rgkeene@ncdot.gov
Keeter, Perry Gray 252-823-2982 pgkeeter@ncdot.gov
Keeter, Stephen Allen 919-707-4271 sakeeter@ncdot.gov
Keeton, Kevin Lee 336-543-9440 klkeeton@ncdot.gov
Keilson, David P 919-707-0972 dpkeilson@ncdot.gov
Keith, Joel Vick 252-473-3461 jvkeith@ncdot.gov
Keith, John David 919-220-4680 jdkeith@ncdot.gov
Kellen, Joshua Lee 919-733-3725 jlkellen@ncdot.gov
Keller, Alvin William 919-716-3700 akeller@ncdoj.gov
Keller, Dusty Guy 828-438-6274 dkeller@ncdot.gov
Kelley, Colton Chase cckelley1@ncdot.gov
Kelley, David dwkelley@ncdot.gov
Kelly, Adrian Todd akelly7@ncdot.gov
Kelly, Brian Scott 910-343-6380 brian.kelly@ncports.com
Kelly, Gregory Paul 336-487-0150 gpkelly@ncdot.gov
Kelly, Jeffery Travis 252-423-5147 jtkelly1@ncdot.gov
Kelly, Roy Davison 252-996-6000 rdkelly@ncdot.gov
Kelly, Stephen Chalmers 910-893-4020 sckelly@ncdot.gov

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