Employee Directory

How to Update Data in the Employee Directory

Displaying 3826 - 3850 of 9122

Name Phone Number Email
Holland, Dustin Mark 910-398-9130 dmholland@ncdot.gov
Holland, Gerald Rogers 910-486-1043 gholland@ncdot.gov
Holland, Gregory Arthur 252-514-4731 gaholland1@ncdot.gov
Holland, Joan Strickland 252-756-5501 jsholland@ncdot.gov
Holland, Joseph Taylor 704-876-4630 jholland@ncdot.gov
Holland, Kevin Lee 919-733-3214 klholland@ncdot.gov
Holland, Lake Claude 828-524-4630 lcholland@ncdot.gov
Holland, Phillip Tanner 919-707-2660 ptholland@ncdot.gov
Holland, Sarah Ellen Hyde 828-321-4105 seholland2@ncdot.gov
Holland, Wesley Van 252-426-5738 wvholland@ncdot.gov
Holley, Marshall Lee 919-934-6176 mlholley@ncdot.gov
Holley, Miranda mholley@ncdoj.gov
Holley, Shirell Tracy 919-810-1783 stholley@ncdot.gov
Hollifield, Rickey Lane rlhollifield1@ncdot.gov
Hollingsworth, James Edward 828-586-0925 jehollingsworth@ncdot.gov
Holloman, Christopher Levi 919-840-0914 clholloman1@ncdot.gov
Holloman, Shawn Marcus 919-209-1090 smholloman@ncdot.gov
Holloman-Wright, Gail Shevern 919-615-5884 gholloman-wright@ncdot.gov
Holloway, Bobby Louis 919-816-9194 blholloway@ncdot.gov
Holloway, Douglas Glenn 828-837-2742 dgholloway@ncdot.gov
Holloway, Mark Christopher 704-694-2436 mcholloway@ncdot.gov
Holloway, Matthew B 828-393-6819 mholloway@ncdoj.gov
Holloway, Phillip J 910-343-6267 phillip.holloway@ncports.com
Holloway, Rhonda Kay 704-283-5941 rkholloway@ncdot.gov
Holloway, Tonya Rogers 980-523-0130 tholloway@ncdot.gov

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