Employee Directory

How to Update Data in the Employee Directory

Displaying 3251 - 3275 of 9122

Name Phone Number Email
Grimm, Casey A 336-310-2041 cagrimm1@ncdot.gov
Grindstaff, Michael Dean 828-652-5828 mdgrindstaff@ncdot.gov
Grindstaff, Wesley Trent 828-321-4105 wtgrindstaff@ncdot.gov
Grinton, Marthaiel Antonio 336-747-7950 magrinton@ncdot.gov
Gritson, Khoa 919-707-6686 kgritson@ncdot.gov
Groce, Gerald Todd 336-896-2330 gtgroce@ncdot.gov
Groce, James Leland 252-996-6000 jlgroce@ncdot.gov
Groce, Kenneth Delane 336-570-6818 kdgroce@ncdot.gov
Grooms, Eddie C 919-220-4600 ecgrooms@ncdot.gov
Grose, Michael Shane 336-903-9154 msgrose@ncdot.gov
Gross, Christopher E 704-283-6913 cegross@ncdot.gov
Gross, Ryan Lee 252-462-2550 rlgross@ncdot.gov
Gross, Timothy Carl 336-318-4058 tcgross@ncdot.gov
Groundwater, Elise Kocsis 919-773-2800 ekgroundwater@ncdot.gov
Groves, Brian Keith 910-259-4919 bkgroves@ncdot.gov
Grubbs, Ryan Thomas rtgrubbs@ncdot.gov
Gruppuso, Nicholas 984-236-1040 nicholas.gruppuso@ncports.com
Gudlaugsson, Magnus 919-835-8220 mgudlaugsson@ncdot.gov
Guerra, Paul David pdguerra@ncdot.gov
Guess, Randy C 828-274-8449 rcguess@ncdot.gov
Guffey, Christopher Blake 828-632-2164 cbguffey@ncdot.gov
Guill, Christopher B 910-350-2009 cbguill@ncdot.gov
Guinn, Betsy Thompson 910-582-7032 btguinn@ncdot.gov
Guinn, Brian Oneal 910-369-2645 boguinn@ncdot.gov
Gulledge, Robert Joel 919-707-6800 rjgulledge@ncdot.gov

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