Employee Directory

How to Update Data in the Employee Directory

Displaying 1651 - 1675 of 13831

Name Phone Number Email
Buck, Karen Smith 919-825-2740 karen.buck@dac.nc.gov
Buck, Louis Mark 910-653-6413 louis.buck@dac.nc.gov
Buckingham, Thomas Wheeler 704-289-5481 thomas.buckingham@dac.nc.gov
Buckner, Andrew R 828-632-1331 andrew.buckner@dac.nc.gov
Buckner, Christopher E christopher.buckner@dac.nc.gov
Buckner, Guy Ahlstedt guy.buckner@dac.nc.gov
Buckner, Jessica Marie 828-632-1331 jessica.buckner@dac.nc.gov
Budhisetiawan, Aaron O 828-452-5106 aaron.budhisetiawan@dac.nc.gov
Bueno, Wilby Amauris wbueno@ncdps.gov
Buff, James Rollin 828-766-2542 mvci4855@dac.nc.gov
Buff, Johnathon Douglas 828-659-7810 johnathon.buff@dac.nc.gov
Buff, Jonathan Wayne 828-438-5585 jonathan.buff@dac.nc.gov
Buffaloe, Anthony Keith 252-794-8600 anthony.buffaloe@dac.nc.gov
Buffkin, Charles E 910-653-6413 charles.buffkin@dac.nc.gov
Buffkin, Charles Wayne charles.w.buffkin@dac.nc.gov
Buffkin, Kelvin Burnett dop4885@doc.nc.gov
Buffkin, Patricia Ann patricia.buffkin@dac.nc.gov
Buffkin, Paula Sue 910-653-6413 paula.buffkin@dac.nc.gov
Buford, Kendall Geter 704-735-0485 kendall.buford@dac.nc.gov
Buie, Brenda Carol brenda.buie@dac.nc.gov
Bull, John M R john.bull@dac.nc.gov
Bull, Robert Christopher 704-639-7540 robert.bull@dac.nc.gov
Bullard, Brandon Blake brandon.bullard@dac.nc.gov
Bullard, Christopher Lee-Carter christopher.bullard@dac.nc.gov
Bullard, Danevena Angelica danevena.bullard@dac.nc.gov

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