Language Access Plans for State Agencies

North Carolina is dedicated to advancing Language Access and Digital Equity, ensuring meaningful access for over 1.2 million North Carolinians who use languages other than English (LOTE), such as our 451,823 Limited English Proficient (LEP) individuals and our 8.5% of foreign-born people who call North Carolina home. With our growing cultural and linguistic diversity, North Carolina prioritizes creating pathways to communication and promoting opportunities through robust language access initiatives. Advancing language access through this whole-of-government approach is vital for supporting New American accessibility and opportunities, ultimately leading to more comprehensive outcomes, economic growth, and expanded opportunities for education and well-being for New Americans and their U.S.-born children.

NC Equity for Digital Language Access

In December 2023, after careful consideration and the findings of the statewide listening sessions led by the Governor’s Interagency Working Group for New Americans, the Office of the Governor launched the NC Equity for Digital Language Access initiative involving all Cabinet agencies and led by the Governor's Office of Public Engagement and the NC Department of Information Technology’s Office of Digital Equity and Literacy, the North Carolina Department of Adult Correction, and the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality.

This initiative follows a community based strategy with a whole-of-government approach that started with an assessment of the current state of language access across agencies, It extends beyond the Governor’s Office, involving the Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM) and the Office of State Human Resources (OSHR) to coordinate data collection and manage multilingual talent across all agencies. Key participating Cabinet agencies include Administration, Adult Correction, Commerce, Environmental Quality, Health and Human Services, Information Technology, Military and Veterans Affairs, Natural and Cultural Resources, Public Safety, Revenue, and Transportation.

Based on the findings, the Governor’s Office of Public Engagement produced a language access plan template, a comprehensive policy, and a toolkit to assist all Cabinet agencies and offices in improving accessibility. Each Cabinet agency was then tasked with preparing its own tailored Language Access Plan (LAP), using the findings, policy, templates, and toolkit. The process also encourages the Council of State and independent offices to implement comprehensive language access plans, with a special focus on digital language access. By equipping agencies with comprehensive LAPs, North Carolina state government agencies ensure meaningful access for all individuals and the state's linguistic diversity as a key strength.

North Carolina Language Access Plans (LAPs)

LAPs outline strategies for state government agencies to address language barriers, such as providing interpretation, translation, monolingual and multilingual staff training, and public outreach to ensure all residents can engage with critical and essential services such as public safety, health, access to education and technology, and disaster response and recovery support. Agencies tailor their approaches to meet the unique needs of LOTE and LEP individuals, prioritizing capacity building and inter-agency collaboration to ensure consistent and competent services, collect data to monitor effectiveness and emerging language needs, and leverage technology such as multilingual websites and digital tools to enhance accessibility. Key goals include improving service delivery, building trust among diverse communities, and increasing access and opportunity for all.

Compliance with Federal Regulations

North Carolina's LAPs emphasize compliance with federal regulations while addressing the specific needs of its residents. North Carolina is bound by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d-2000d-7, and its implementing regulations, 45 C.F.R. Part 80, which collectively prohibit discrimination based on race, color, or national origin (including Limited English Proficiency), and the USDOJ Memorandum (November 21, 2022): Strengthening the Federal Government Commitment to Language Access. The State of North Carolina is committed to advancing the goals of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Executive Order 13166 in alignment with the State of North Carolina’s Digital Equity Plan. The Digital Equity Act of 2021 further guides these efforts by mandating the identification of barriers to digital equity and strategies to overcome them. The North Carolina Digital Equity Plan includes strategies such as expanding multilingual digital resources, providing staff training, and leveraging technology to enhance accessibility, trust, and advancing economic growth and well-being for all.

Through these commitments, North Carolina seeks to ensure every resident, regardless of language proficiency, can participate fully in public life, access critical services, and contribute meaningfully to the state’s vibrant and inclusive community.

Below are language access plans for the state agencies that provide direct services to the public.

Department Link to Languge Access Plan
NC Department of Administration NCDOA Language Access Plan
NC Department of Adult Correction NCDAC Language Access Plan
NC Department of Commerce NC Dept of Commerce Language Access Plan
NC Department of Environmental Quality NCDEQ Language Access Plan
NC Department of Health and Human Services NCDHHS Language Access Plan
NC Department of Information Technology NCDIT Language Access Plan
NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources NCDNCR Language Access Plan
NC Department of Public Safety NCDPS Language Access Plan
NC Department of Transportation NCDOT Language Access Plan
NC Office of State Budget and Management NCOSBM Language Access Plan